I have lost memory of when and how ‘Jerome’s Take,’ initially a column in Kotoko Express every Tuesday started. I may have to check with my former Managing Editor, the venerable Ken Bediako to be sure.

However, I recall that when I resigned from the newspaper and its associated media outlets in September 2017, my friend Kofi Achampong, (a web developer) who I’d worked with at Kotoko Express offered to build a website for me to continue writing on pertinent Ghana sports issues.

It was a clever idea. Within months he was done with an organic design, simple and nice. Straightaway, the write-ups flowed, week in and week out, I wrote, commenting on Ghana sports. ‘Jerome’s Take’ is seven years now and though I took a sabbatical from writing, it almost seemed as if I have quit sports writing. No, not now.

Like a rat underground, I’ve been hauled out of my sabbatical hole by GTV Sports+ not alone to present ‘Jerome’s Take’ on the ‘File’ every Tuesday and Thursday, but to also host the august programme on these days as a sit-in host for regular host, Karl ‘The Truth’ Tufuoh, who’ll be away for a while.

I am on the ‘File’ not to fit into the revered Karl Tufuoh’s big shoes because, with all sincerity, I am unfit for those huge, glorified shoes. I am here to team up with the guests to discuss pressing sporting matters with all candour. The objective is to continue from where Karl Tufuoh left off; to help build and shape Ghana sports positively.

If Ghana sports will develop, if our football, boxing, athletics, and all the other sporting disciplines the country takes up would be any better than what they are now, the onus does not only rely on administrators or those tasked with the responsibility of managing sports. It also depends on the media; how we put authorities on their toes, demand accountability and insist that the right things are done.

That is why we are here. So join us every Tuesday and Thursday between 10:30am and 12noon as we raise, highlight and analyse the pertinent issues of Ghana sports with the aim of drawing attention to them for authorities to address them. I will present my take on a topical sporting issue after which the panel will have their bite of that and any other topic(s) lined up for the day.